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White dragon fruits are a great source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that are a great addition to your fruit eating routine. The nutritional composition of a dragon fruit is as follows:
High amounts of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for a strong human body and is not produced naturally. A dragon fruit is therefore a really good source for a strong body!
Flavonoids. The high amount of flavonoids inside a white pitaya may help repair cell damage and reduce inflammation.
Fiber. Eating more white dragon fruit might improve digestion because of a high content of fiber.
White dragon fruits are a great source of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that are a great addition to your fruit eating routine. The nutritional composition of a dragon fruit is as follows:
High amounts of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for a strong human body and is not produced naturally. A dragon fruit is therefore a really good source for a strong body!
Flavonoids. The high amount of flavonoids inside a white pitaya may help repair cell damage and reduce inflammation.
Fiber. Eating more white dragon fruit might improve digestion because of a high content of fiber.…
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